Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Grebeg's Celebration in 1888 (Perayaan Grebeg jaman dulu)


Continueing my previously article about Jogja in the past, now I will discuss about celebration Grebeg in the north of Jogja town square that happened approximately in 1888. It was taken from the J. Grooneman documentation in his book that be entitled 'De Garebeg's te Ngajogakarta' that rose in 1895. Grebeg was one of the forms of celebration in the Jogja community to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.
All the pictures along with this I took from here.

The De Garebegs's book; The maps of Jogja town square

The Kauman mosque; The Ampilan

The Prajurit Prawirotama; The Prajurit Mantri Jero

The convoys of Kanjeng Sultan HB VII

The gamelan of Kyai Naga; The heirloom spears

The male and female gunungan

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